Craft Your Love Story: Curate a Custom Valentine's/Galentine's Gift Set with Soul and Story!
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and we're thrilled to present our "Craft Your Love Story" campaign at Soul and Story! This...

Travel and Social Impact Diaries: Chris Murphy
Soul and Story exists because of travel. Seeing the world not through the lens of media or propaganda but to be among people of...

Travel and Social Impact Diaries: Amy Staten
Soul and Story exists because of travel. Seeing the world not through the lens of media or propaganda but to be among people of...

Birthday Celebrations Around the World
Birthdays, for many, are joyous occasions. Here in the U.S. birthdays are accompanied by some sort of celebration and for many ice cream...

Lifestyle: Four Ingredient No-Churn Chocolate Ice Cream with Askanya Chocolate
After being sold out for months, there is a new shipment of Askanya Chocolates in from Haiti (yay!) available in the Soul and Story shop,...

Through The Looking Glass: Looks Good, Feels Good, But Is it Good?
This is a think piece. I don't presume to be right; however as always, I'm offering up my perspective for consideration. I'll get right...

Doing Better Than Good: Reconsidering Donations
The Soul and Story tagline is "Doing Better Than Good". Which means that the goal is to surpass just doing "good" because sometimes doing...

Cultural, Political and Spiritual Significance of the Headwrap
We are delighted to have headwraps by the amazing Maria Chantal (Rio) available via the Soul and Story boutique featuring Adinkra...
Have You Met Yourself?
If you head over to the Soul and Story Instagram page, you'll see that today I posted a meme that reads, "Yesterday, I was clever So I...