Travel and Social Impact Diaries: Chris Murphy

Soul and Story exists because of travel. Seeing the world not through the lens of media or propaganda but to be among people of different backgrounds and languages and realizing how more alike we are than not. Travel also exposed the consistent systemic inequalities in the world thus, Soul and Story began as a means to help make right economic and social injustice.
Yet, here we are, in the era of COVID-19. We are all grounded, quarantined to our homes and not traversing borders in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.
But still, the lessons of travel remain with us. What we've seen can not be unseen and what we've experienced can not be undone. While, we can't physically leave, we thought it would be both insightful and fun to interview travelers to learn more about them and how travel has impacted their lives. And of course, how they incorporate social good into their travels.
Meet Christopher Murphy and all-around wonderful human being who also happens to have designed the Soul and Story logo and graphics. I think it's safe to say, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is his second home and with as much as he travels, I'm sure he is itching to return ASAP.
So grab a cup of tea or coffee, perhaps a snack (or two) and check out what Chris has to say about travel and social impact.
Soul and Story: Describe your travel style.
Chris Murphy: The hubs and I love luxury resorts but also enjoy venturing out into town to take in the local flavors and attractions when we travel. Some of the best meals we’ve had have been off the resort!
Soul and Story: As you know, Soul and Story is all about social impact, supporting local economies and those who are working to make a difference in their communities. Tell us how you incorporate social impact in your travels. Chris: It’s important to support the local economy whenever we travel. Many of the small businesses rely on tourism dollars to survive, so we often shop off the resort and dine out, even when doing all-inclusive. It’s a great way to learn more about the destination, see the sights, and support the people who live there.

Soul and Story: Has travel changed you? If so, how?
Chris: Yes. Aside from being a refresher, travel is always a great reminder that the world is such a BIG place! BIG enough for everyone to live in peacefully and put our differences aside. I’ve also gained some great travel buddies and learned about many different cultures.
Soul and Story: What is your best travel tip? Chris: Make a list of everything to pack (and DO) before you fly out and check it twice!
Soul and Story: What is your favorite travel destination? What is your dream destination? Chris: Favorite destination is Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Dream destination is Mykonos, Greece.

Soul and Story: If you could live anywhere in the world, with cost and immigration concerns not a factor, where would you live and why? Chris: Mexico. It has become a big part of our lives and we have many wonderful memories and friends there. Soul and Story: Post COVID-19, where are you headed?
Chris: Spain and Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
Soul and Story: How can others follow your travel journey? Chris: You can find me on Instagram at @digitalempire1.
Thank you so much Chris! I must agree, Puerto Vallarta is worth the hype!

About Soul and Story:
Soul and Story is a social enterprise that seeks to share the stories of amazing women social entrepreneurs from Africa and the African diaspora. Women who see a problem in their communities, their countries and/or the world and seek to be the change they want to see.
We help to their impact by bringing their products to market here in the U.S. Doing so, we help them achieve their mission, and when they achieve their mission, we achieve part of ours. We don't exist solely to make a profit, we exist do our part in helping to combat systems, paradigms and institutions that perpetuate oppressive policies and dogma that keep people marginalized and impede them from economic stability and social equality. Join us by signing up for our mailing list here and shopping the handmade, craft items made by our partners in our online boutique.